Source: Pittsburgh’s Action News Author: Shannon Perrine
2-time Super Bowl winner recovering at home after being hospitalized with coronavirus.
Former Steelers quarterback Terry Hanratty, who backed up Terry Bradshaw on Pittsburgh’s first two Super Bowl championship teams, said he is home from the hospital as he recovers from a tough battle with the COVID-19 coronavirus.
“This thing can hit you, and it can hit you hard,” he said.
Hanratty, 72, was hospitalized with a soaring temperature. Doctors sent him home two weeks ago, but kept him on oxygen until just a few days ago.
He said he lost 16 pounds, and his doctor gave him the experimental malaria drug hydroxychloroquine. “I was very sick, I took this medication, I got better, thank God,” Hanratty said. “I have nothing to compare it with, but this thing made me better and there was no side effects. I would say after three or four days of taking it is when you start to feel a lot better.”
Hanratty tells Pittsburgh sports fans and his hometown of Butler to be patient for a return to real life.
“I don’t think I’m going to rush back into a stadium where you have so many people around you,” he said. “I think I’m going to be very cautious about it.”
Former teammates such as Rocky Bleier have checked in on Hanratty, “and I heard from Jack Lambert through Rocky,” he said.
“You know, Jack would never call on his own. He would just call Rocky, and he was upset that Rocky picked up the phone. He just wanted him to leave a message,” Hanratty said. “Jack doesn’t want people to know he has a kind side to him. He just wants everybody in Pittsburgh to remember the guy he was when he played, but he’s actually got a big heart and a lovely person.”
The Steelers are “thankful for his continued recovery, and hope he gets back to being completely healthy soon,” spokesman Burt Lauten said Thursday.
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ER turned him away, refused to help or admit him! #hydroxychloroquine then saved his life.