Source: Relevant News

In an interview, movement leaders argue that political aspects cannot be above life
An independent scientific group, as defined by the oncologist Nise Yamaguchi, gathers about 10,000 professionals from all over Brazil in defense of the use of hydroxychloroquine in the treatment against covid-19 already in the initial phase of the disease.
“The objective of this group of ours is to compare some treatments that are being spontaneously offered to the population and to try to identify which ones are the most efficient”, explains Nise.
It reinforces the need for people and authorities to stop “putting political aspects above life.”
Entrepreneur and social entrepreneur Carlos Wizard Martins
In an interview with Veja magazine, the leaders of the group, such as the entrepreneur and social entrepreneur Carlos Wizard Martins affirm that the mission is to bring knowledge and awareness that the covid-19 is treated ”. It reinforces the need for people and authorities to stop “putting political aspects above life.”
“The treatment, unfortunately, has become ideological and this has to end. I lost a 48-year-old nephew to Covid-19. He even sought medical help at the onset of symptoms and was sent home. Shortly afterwards the disease worsened dramatically. People cannot put political aspects above life, ”says Wizard.
Entrepreneur and social entrepreneur Carlos Wizard Martins
Cardiologist Dante Senra, reports that a patient in the ICU has a 30 to 40% chance of not progressing well. “The idea is that people do not reach this stage. The earlier you are treated, the better your progress will be ”, he explains.
The medication started to be strongly polarized after being defended by the President of the United States, Donald Trump, and later by President Jair Bolsonaro, both stated that they took the medicine preventively.
Numerous studies, however, have come to have their performance hindered by the divergence of public opinions.
“It is not a time for a red, blue, yellow position… it is a pro-life position. It is unacceptable that we have a death rate of 1 Brazilian per minute just for political war. Now the priority is different ”, warns Paulo Porto de Melo, neurosurgeon.
Paulo Porto de Melo, neurosurgeon
In Brazil, about 3 million tablets manufactured by the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation and by the Army Chemical and Pharmaceutical Laboratory were distributed throughout the country.
“There is a theoretical basis and evidence showing that the use of ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine reduces viral load, which is one of the aggravating factors”, explains Dante Senra. Dr. Nise completes and informs that the rpecoce treatment lasts only 5 days.
“There are only 5 days of hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin and zinc, only. In the initial phase, in the first symptoms from the second to the fifth day. And ivermectin, it has also been used and I have been really enjoying the results, because people, when they are afraid of hydroxychloroquine, also have this option, ”says the oncologist.
Dr James Todaro: An Effective Treatment for Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Previously Censored.
Italian Study: Hydroxychloroquine Cut Death Risk 66 Percent
Yale’s Dean of Public Health defends right to argue hydroxychloroquine could save lives
Two-Tiered Medicine: Why Is Hydroxychloroquine Being Censored and Politicized?
My Hydroxychloroquine Deep Dive – long thread: Threadia – Twitter, Gummi Bear