Source: Tech Startups

In an interview with Tucker Carlson on Tuesday Tonight, Dr. Siegel shared a story of a patient who used the drug with a surprise ending.
Dr. Siegel pointed out that there have been multiple preliminary studies that have shown that hydroxychloroquine, an antimalarial drug, has a positive effect on coronavirus patients, despite what many called potential harmful side effects.
Dr. Siegel began, “If you’re a doctor, and you take into account the side effects here, and there are some, you may decide that it’s well worth it for particular patients.” As he went on Dr. Siegel said: “Tucker, I want to tell you about a 96-year-old man in Florida who said one night, ‘I don’t think I’m going to make it. I feel very weak. The end is coming. I’m coughing, I’m short of breath, I can’t get up from the couch,’” Siegel recounted. “The next day he was on hydroxychloroquine and antibiotics, per his cardiologist, he got up the next day, he was fine.”
In a surprise ending that left Tucker almost speechless, Dr. Siegel said: “This man is my father, Tucker.”
Read the full article here: