Ivermectin overview - research, studies treatments and articles

Ivermectin is an existing medication that has been traditionally used o treat infections in the body that are caused by many types of parasite infestations. 

Ivermectin is currently being investigated for SARS-CoV2, which is the virus that causes COVID-19. There have been considerable trials that have shown significant promise. So far, trials have shown Ivermectin has reduced the number of cell- associated viral DNA by 99.9% within 24 hours. This page follows the Ivermectin’s journey in the possible use against COVID-19

The avermectin family of compounds was discovered in 1970, along the east coast of Japan. Ivermectin was introduced in 1981. Half of the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded jointly to Campbell and Omura for Discovering avermectin. 

This data is constantly being added to, so please check in for updates. 

Despite an overwhelming amount of politicised reporting, with a strong trend toward vaccines above all else, there continues to be a growing database of solid evidence that if COVID-19 is treated early with HCQ with Zinc and other compounds,  or Ivermectin.  

Clinical trials are underway, all around the world, and vaccines are in development. Any form of treatment that buys us time and keeps our loved ones alive is worth consideration. To ignore science that shows efficacy against COVID-19, for political gain, is considered by some to be a crime against humanity.  


The International Ivermectin for Covid Conference​: Medical ethics and ivermectin

As Head of the Department of Medical Ethics and Law, Medical Faculty, University of Maribor, Slovenia, Prof. Matjaž Zwitter presents current ethical issues around ivermectin for covid-19. His two papers on ivermectin for Covid-19, as published in Slovenian medical journal Isis and in leading newspaper Delo stirred a vivid debate among medical and lay community, hopefully leading to a change in current medical practice.



The International Ivermectin for Covid Conference​: Experiences of a frontline Infectious Diseases doctor in Scotland

Dr. Manjul Medhi shares his front-line experiences in treating acute and long covid including using ivermectin in patients at risk of disseminated strongyloides infection.



The International Ivermectin for Covid Conference​: Experience treating long covid

The first-ever conference focusing on the use of ivermectin (IVM) as a prophylaxis and treatment for covid-19 was held online April 24-25 2021. Dr Tina Peers, UK GP describes her real-world experiences treating Long Covid.



The International Ivermectin for Covid Conference​: Ivermectin use for Covid in the elderly

The International Ivermectin for Covid Conference​: Dr. David Chesler shares his experience of using ivermectin to prevent and treat covid-19 infection amongst care home residents.



The International Ivermectin for Covid Conference​: Evidence from ongoing trials

Medical experts from around the world joined together to present the very latest real world research on repurposing ivermectin that has the ability to transform global efforts to fight the pandemic. Mr. Andrew Bryant provides an overview of ongoing trials and what they may add to the evidence base.



The International Ivermectin for Covid Conference​: Real-world ivermectin for Covid-19 data

The International Ivermectin for Covid Conference​:



Ivermectin for Covid-19 evidence update

Dr. Tess Lawrie presents the latest systematic review evidence from RCTs and a selection of resource, equity, acceptability and feasibility considerations related to ivermectin use for COVID-19



What is ivermectin and how does it work?

Medical experts from around the world joined together to present the very latest real world research on repurposing this safe drug that has the ability to transform global efforts to fight the pandemic. In this talk, speaker Dr. Mobeen Syed provides an overview of ivermectin and how it works against covid-19.



The Chloroquine Wars Part XVII – Why the Story About India’s April COVID-19 Spike is All Wrong

So, what’s different between Maharashtra and Delhi with respect to the rest of India and South Asia? Instead of relying on HCQ and IVM, many doctors and health officials in Maharashtra and Delhi pushed the expensive and profitable remdesivir drug. Due to its cost and recommended time of usage, remdesivir is not used either as a prophylaxis or for early outpatient treatment. And unlike the cheap and easy-to-produce HCQ and IVM, remdesivir is difficult to replace when it runs out.



Philippines Launches Major Ivermectin Clinical Trial to Investigate Efficacy During Unprecedented Spike in Cases

With a surge of SARS-CoV-2 infections and a vaccination drive totaling 1.3 million, the nation’s leadership faces an uphill battle when factoring in their total population of 108 million. Hence the growing interest in ivermectin and the request of hospitals for access to the drug for compassionate use.



NIH to Launch Massive ACTIV-6 Phase 3 Clinical Study Investigating Repurposed Drugs & Ivermectin May be on the List

NIH will provide an initial investment of $155 million in funding for the trial. TrialSite picked up inside rumblings that ivermectin will be one of the economical drugs under investigation. While this study is late in the pandemic, nonetheless TrialSite celebrates Collins and team’s movement in this most important of areas. We don’t currently have approved medication to be self-administered by people suffering mild disease at home & reduce the chance of needing hospitalization.



Xavier Bazin: “We now know that hydroxychloroquine was indeed effective”

It is high time to open our eyes, to hold our governments to account, and to fundamentally reform a system that has been misled by the interests of the all-powerful pharmaceutical industry. ”



Doctor’s Advice on Early Treatment for COVID-19

Every viral illness starts that way. The more it’s allowed to progress, the more it takes over the cells and replicates itself. That’s why this virus absolutely had to be treated early to prevent those damages. Primarily what has killed people with COVID is a delay to treatment, and allowing the exaggerating inflammatory response and blood clotting response to take hold in the body.



Quick approval for second hospital to use Ivermectin in the Philippines

MANILA, Philippines — Another private hospital was given a compassionate special permit (CSP) to use Ivermectin as treatment for COVID-19 patients, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said yesterday.



Houston doctor successfully treated over 20K patients with hydroxychloroquine

This disease is very manageable & easy to treat. They censor us because we tell the truth – they don’t want us to treat people. They want to sell vaccines.



More Vaccine Blood Clots – Craig Kelly Backed Up By Medical Specialists Supporting Ivermectin!

In an interview with Alan Jones, Craig Kelly MP discusses the vaccine rollout mishaps and yet again, rightfully points out the myriad of medical specialists around the world who support the use of ivermectin for the prophylaxis and treatment of their Covid-19 patients with the backup of extensive positive data.



American Hero: Ralph C. Lorigo Fights for Client Rights Including Access to Ivermectin for COVID-19 Patients At Risk

Lorigo shared with TrialSite that once doctors learn of all of the studies around the world, and start doing their own homework, they become more open-minded, factoring in the risk-reward analysis. Especially if elderly high risk patients present advanced COVID-19, Lorigo has personally seen the drug potentially contribute to saving the lives of clients. Interestingly, the attorney reports that it would appear that hospital administrations are the most recalcitrant to the idea, even if the patients and the ICU doctor are in support.



Open Letter by U.S. Doctors: JAMA Anti-Ivermectin Study Is Misleading and Fatally Flawed

The severe weaknesses of this study make it uninformative about whether ivermectin is beneficial in early COVID-19 treatment. Yet, the authors misleadingly conclude that their findings “do not support the use of ivermectin for treatment of mild COVID-19”, as if they had enough quality data to make that case, which they do not.



These Brave Doctors are Upholding Their Hippocratic Oath & Putting Patients—Not Profits—First With Ivermectin

FLCCC Weekly Update: “Big Science vs Little Science”—April 14, 2021 Drs. Jose Morgenstern and Jose Redondo of the Dominican Republic share their new ivermectin study and tell the story of how they discovered the efficacy of ivermectin in April, 2020.



Another New York State Supreme Court Justice Ivermectin Order Helping 81-Year-Old Farmer

Ivermectin, a medicine for parasites, has been around for four decades. While not authorized for use against COVID-19, dozens of studies show materially positive results. At well-established human dosage levels, the drug is safe: hundreds of millions of people are treated with it every year mostly in the tropics for various parasite-borne diseases, such as River Blindness in Nigeria.



Texas Physician/Researchers Case Series Finds Reduction in COVID-19 Hospitalization by 87.6% & Death 74.9%

The authors emphasize the historically significant & relevant role of empiric treatment in an attempt to reduce death. Doing nothing is not good medicine.



USA: Judge orders Batavia hospital to treat coronavirus patient with Ivermectin

The case involving John W. Swanson, a farmer from Stafford in Genesee County, is the latest of several in which judges have ordered local hospitals to give Ivermectin to patients suffering from the virus.



Dr. Peter McCullough blames high COVID death toll on massive censorship of effective early treatment protocols such as hydroxychloroquine & ivermectin

An Internist, cardiologist and professor of medicine, Dr McCollough treats covid patients and was involved in two major studies indicating that treatment is the key to getting covid under control.



Ivermectin: Doctor cites HARD EVIDENCE for this effective medicine for COVID-19 patients

“Waiting for another Randomized Controlled Trial is asinine,” Dr. Ram Yogendra says. “Do the trial. Do the study. But treat the patient.” IVERMECTIN



Vaccines Are Not Enough – Ivermectin Expands Our Strategy to End This Pandemic

The World Health Organization and National Institutes of Health now have all the data they need to recommend ivermectin to prevent and treat COVID-19. And those who want to end this pandemic now, for all countries rich and poor, should welcome that move.




The civil rights organisation AfriForum & Dr George Coetzee today achieved a further success in the fight for access to ivermectin including off-label use.



Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance Statement – Weak Guidance on Ivermectin from the World Health Organization (WHO)

“I am deeply troubled that the WHO made this hasty decision on guidance before reviewing all available data,” said Pierre Kory, MD, MPH, president and chief medical officer of the FLCCC.
“Their recommendation ignores the evidence, creates more controversy, and will only lead to continuing suffering and death from COVID-19. There are now over 24 randomized trials results
that have been reported to the Unitaid/WHO team yet todays guidance was inexcusably based on a faulty analysis of just 16 of the available trials. Further, these erroneous findings directly conflict
with numerous other peer-reviewed expert analyses that have found the data overwhelmingly demonstrates that ivermectin saves lives from COVID-19. There is no reason not to recommend it
for everyone as a safe drug for prevention and treatment.”



When a doctor and his family got COVID, they experienced a remarkable recovery: an ivermectin story

Source: FLCCC Alliance Dr. Lionel Lee and his family came down with COVID-19 in the fall of 2020. Dr. Lee himself experienced the worst symptoms— …




The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of oral Ivermectin treatment, which has been associated with iota-carrageenan in repeated doses through the nasal and oral topical route, on the appearance and eventual progression of COVID-19 disease in a healthy population that are exposed to it and have a higher risk of contagion of SARS-COV-2 for being health personnel from



Argentina Ministry of Health Clinical Trial: Ivermectin Shows Benefit Treating Outpatients with Mild COVID-19

Ivermectin had a significant effect (p=0.003) in achieving medical release. The treatment with ivermectin could significantly prevent the evolution to serious stages since the experimental group did not present any patient with referral to critical hospitalization.



Hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin? The Netherlands’ Nonsense Beats Australia’s !!!

Did the Netherlands work out that early outpatient treatment using hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin & other drugs, hospitalisations can reduce by 80% or more?
It would take just a few weeks to bring down new hospitalizations for COVID-19 to around 40 per day in the country, if general practitioners were authorized to treat the disease early, using a range of early treatment medications, including those now exposing doctors to penalties of up to 150,000 euros!



Brazil: ‘To say that hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin kill is a fallacy’, says president of the Federal Council of Medicine

To say that hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin kill is a fallacy. Who wants to do the early treatment, do it. Whoever doesn’t want it, don’t do it



Top Yale Doctor/Researcher: ‘Ivermectin works,’ including for long-haul COVID

Santin’s endorsement is not only important but broad. He said he has seen ivermectin work at every stage of COVID — preventing it, eliminating early infection, quelling the destructive cytokine storm in late infection, and helping about a dozen patients so far who suffered months after COVID.



Coronavirus: “Ivermectin is not approved because it does not leave revenue to anyone”

Why is Ivermectin not approved?
Because it does not leave revenue to anyone, it does not generate returns, you cannot make partisan discretion with it, and no one can win an election by applying it, or buy a yacht with its dividends.



Craig Kelly: ‘Look at the evidence’. A damning critique of our National COVID Evidence Taskforce

The group that didn’t take the ivermectin, over 3 months it was fifty-eight percent. Fifty-eight percent of those doctors, nurses and orderlies contracted coronavirus.
In the 788 group, the same doctors, nurses and orderlies across the 4 hospitals, the number of infections that they had, was zero. ZERO, that were treated with ivermectin.



Portugal: from hydroxychloroquine to ivermectin

Portuguese doctors reacted: since the prescription of hydroxychloroquine was forbidden to them, they fell back on ivermectin and administered it more and more massively.



Ivermectin for Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19 Infection: a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

Reductions in covid-19 deaths and infections may be possible by using ivermectin. Employing ivermectin early on may reduce the number of people progressing to severe disease. The apparent safety and low cost suggest that ivermectin could have an impact on the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic globally.



The lawyer who won the Ivermectin battle for South Africans

It’s a major breakthrough for the people of South Africa because we’ve been very adamant that ivermectin can assist in this pandemic.



Ivermectin: How a nurse saved herself from her battle with COVID-19

The doctor refused and put her on other medicines. Patti’s condition deteriorated further, and when she returned a second time to the ER, she was again refused ivermectin and sent home on oxygen. When her condition failed to improve over several weeks, she finally obtained a prescription for ivermectin from a doctor and within days, she began to recover.



How a father & his daughter survived COVID-19: Ivermectin

DeAnna obtained a prescription for ivermectin from her doctor for both herself and her father. Both recovered quickly.
