Source: 7News

Clive Palmer says he’ll pay for more than 30,000,000 million doses of a malaria drug that could help fight coronavirus.
According to early studies, Hydroxychloroquine could prevent or reduce the severity of illness in those who contract COVID-19
The drug is currently undergoing clinical trials in 50 Australian hospitals and Palmer says he wants to ensure all Australians have access to it as soon as possible.
“People are being treated with the drug in Jordan, the United States and France – that’s why I funded the trial,” the billionaire and former Federal MP said on Sunrise.
“A lot of people have talked about a vaccine, but we have to look at what we can do when people get the disease.”
Palmer has vowed to fund the manufacture or purchase of one million treatments ( 30,000,000 doses ) to be used by affected Australians if and when the drug is approved to treat coronavirus.