Source: Sky News
The extreme politicisation of the debate concerning Hydroxychloroquine has resulted in unprecedented government intrusion upon the doctor-patient relationship according to Concerned Ontario Doctors President Dr Kulvinder Kaur Gill.
Hydroxychloroquine has been criminalised in some Australian states despite being clearly listed on the World Health Organisation’s page of essential medications. Dr Gill said following the medical atrocities committed by doctors during World War Two, the International Code of Medical Ethics was formed to protect the sanctity of the doctor-patient relationship from any future intrusion by government.
“Now in 2020 we see a very dangerous and unprecedented violation of that very doctor-patient relationship,” she said “It’s absolutely appalling that we are seeing this unprecedented violation of the doctor-patient relationship where we have many of the developed nations around the world that are actually prohibiting doctors and sanctioning them if it is prescribed to their patients”. “Such a violation has never occurred before for any medication ever” which points to how “extremely politicised” this discussion about Hydroxychloroquine has become.
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