Source: Affaritaliani Author: Monica Camozzi

Interview with Andrea Stramezzi, one of the many doctors who silently treats – and heals – many coronavirus patients – that’s how.

“New Microbes and New Infections” magazine Vol. 38 Nov 2020, published a literature review work on Hydroxychloroquine and found that 100% of the jobs in which HCQ were given at home, at the beginning of the disease, agrees in its effectiveness and AIFA would have the duty to review its position “.

A statement by Andrea Stramezzi, doctor. One of the many doctors who silently treats – and heals – many people affected by Covid and left to fend for themselves with a tachipirina at home. As Stramezzi explains, he has been on track since March when a friend called him for two elderly parents in critical condition.

“I administered hydroxychloroquine and antibiotic and after 4 days my friend’s dad, first on oxygen, walked around the house and complained that he couldn’t go out for a walk. I did the same with so many others, until I was offered to go head the Covid ward of a hospital. I read all the medical records and saw that the patients had all been treated with Hydroxychloroquine. At normal dosages it does no harm, unless the patient suffers from arrhythmias or favism, there are cases in which it should not be given but in all the others it is effective “. So, as Stramezzi says and as dozens and dozens of courageous doctors who work under trace have been saying for months, “symptomatic positives must be treated immediately, at home. Only in this way can the cytokine storm leading to severe disease be prevented.

Doctor, you say, like so many doctors, that there are drugs to heal.

The great responsibility of those who govern us is not having given the GPs the treatment protocols, until ten days ago and, today, to give them wrong, practically, suggesting to give only the usual Tachipirina.

So you have cured practically all the positive patients at home?

Yes. I consider it very serious that the doctors have not been given protocols. The fury against hydroxoclorquine is a political hype. Before the war between Trump and the WHO, AIFA was not drastically against its use. Then Aifa withdrew it as a cure on Covid and I consider the fact very serious.

But if there are no validated protocols, with which drugs do you recover?

I administered antibiotics, cortisone and Montelukast in the first days of symptoms, to block the cytokine storm. Covid triggers an anomalous reaction: if it is not blocked, the cytokine storm occurs and the patient risks his life. So she must be treated immediately, she does not expect her to arrive at the hospital, where she can no longer be blocked. Hydroxychloroquine is administered by many rheumatologist colleagues and is very effective in the first phase, but not only.

There are drugs such as Montelukast, with negligible side effects, easy to take and low cost. There is already a literature available, it is an antihistamine antagonist of leukotriene receptors. It can be administered in combination with Azithromycin, Decadron, Clexane, C-Tard. And as the literature specifies, “if well treated, Covid hardly results in cytokine storm pictures or in the formation of thrombi or in the pulmonary filling of inflammatory fluid”.

And then there is REGN-COV2, from Regeneron, which are monoclonal antibodies specific for Covid-19, for which we look forward to approval by the EMA, the European Medicines Agency. What amazes me is the fact that the media only talk about vaccines and not the FDA approval of Regeneron’s drug, which alone, given at home at the first symptoms, in a single dose would heal them all without making them aggravated, avoiding hospitalizations, intensive and deaths.

Of course, a patient must be examined. A swab must be made, a lung plate must be made because Covid creates an unmistakable frosted glass appearance, you can see it immediately. It cannot be treated over the phone.

So the only difference between now and March is that the GP can now prescribe the swabs?

Almost. While in the hospital they can experiment, nothing can be done, officially, for the patient at home with the risk of getting worse because Tachipirina certainly does not solve any problem! The first thing to do is to check the lungs, you cannot leave people alone. No national plasma banks have been created. There has been one in Veneto since May, now also in Lombardy and Puglia, but the Istituto Superiore di Sanità has not yet validated it.

I remember that a hundred years ago, the Spanish flu was eradicated thanks to hyperimmune plasma, when it was not yet known what a virus was.

What about swabs?

In my opinion, one-third of the infections / hospitalizations / intensive care / deaths are due to the wrong messages given by the institutional/clinical top management, another third by the erroneous choices of the Government. It was necessary to teach swabs. And check the operator’s technique. Many false negatives are from partially inserted swabs. 

The swabs made only to those who came from Wuhan was the mistake of January. The swabs made only to the hospitalized was the mistake of March. Not knowing how to read and interpret daily data was the mistake of July. Continuing to make swabs (molecular classics) without being able to trace cases is the mistake of October. It was a sequence of mistakes. We would have avoided twenty thousand deaths, 200 billion of debt, loss of freedom and democracy.

What do you think of the lockdown? Is useful?

I think that if they had immediately made us wear the mask, two weeks of lockdown would have been enough and we would not be in this situation. I went from house to house for months, I have never worn the biocontainment suit, except in the ward, where it is mandatory. Only the mask. A crowded bus or subway does not create any contagion if EVERYONE wears a mask. Disinfection and sanitation is a false problem. Out of 30 thousand infections, perhaps one is due to contact with droplets / surface / fingers / conjunctiva. And I stress, maybe. 

So, washing your hands, putting on gloves, disinfecting and sanitizing clothes, ambulances, schools and shops, is useless, if not to waste time and money. Some masks are better than others, but the worst mask that exists reduces the risk by a thousand times. This was another serious mistake made by the CTS. Contact infections are ridiculous. 

If by chance the virus ends up in the stomach it is destroyed by gastric juices. The important thing is that the virus does not enter the lungs. All absorbent masks work, even the cloth ones because they act as a mechanical barrier for the droplet, which is otherwise aspirated by the nose and ends up in the lungs.

She has treated positive symptomatic patients of all ages at home. And the asymptomatic?

It is not true that asymptomatic people do not develop damage. The damage, even if small, is there. For example, a chest X-ray with a ground glass appearance. And they could become severe over time. Even asymptomatic people should be treated to limit the damage. This virus affects not only the lungs, but also the heart, the central and peripheral nervous system and also the skin, which can be filled with red spots like those of the exanthematous diseases of children. I have a 20-year-old patient who was treated in March, healed, but still has pains and breathing difficulties when taking the stairs. For this reason it is very serious that people are left to themselves inside the house.

We must intervene promptly and prevent them from arriving in intensive care. Since the drugs are there and the clear proof is that I have been using them for months and they work. None of my home patients have ever been hospitalized and none of my hospital patients have ever ended up in intensive care. They heal.

Related: A massive hydroxychloroquine meta-analysis (156 studies) has just been updated (version 28!).It says that HCQ works beyond all statistical doubt.

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