Source: Covid Medical Network

Presented by Ben Bornstein (Consultant and convenor of Covid Medical Network, Australia)
Early Covid treatment advocates Craig Kelly MP (Federal Member For Hughes, Australia) and Dr Vladimir Zelenko discuss the background behind the development of the ‘Zelenko Protocol’ – a combination of hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin and zinc – for the early treatment of Covid-19.
This is a practical method that empowers every individual and reduces fear; a Covid-19 treatment plan that is within their own reach and grasp.
Related: Dr Vladimir Zelenko and Craig Kelly MP: Who do you put your trust in?
Dr Vladimir Zelenko and Craig Kelly MP: Politics is a blood sport
Dr Vladimir Zelenko and Craig Kelly MP: Stop the fear mongering
Dr Vladimir Zelenko and Craig Kelly MP: Vaccine or Experimental Gene Therapy?
Dr Vladimir Zelenko and Craig Kelly MP: Doing the right thing is not always the easist thing
Journal of Medicine Says HCQ + Zinc Reduces COVID Deaths
Yale doctor slams Fauci for his dismissal of hydroxychloroquine in COVID treatment