Source: Rebel News, by Kelly Lamb

In India, Ivermectin and other prophylactics have been used successfully to treat COVID-19 patients.
Dr. Lenny Da Costa is a successful physician in both Goa and Mumbai, India. Dr. Da Costa specializes in geriatrics and preventative cardiology, with a passion for treating his patients through functional medicine and natural medicine where possible.
This is what he has done for thousands of patients over the years, and has carried into his treatment of patients with COVID-19 over the course of the pandemic.
Dr. Da Costa has expressed concern about Canada’s approach to COVID-19, citing the reluctance to try so many treatments that he sees working in his state and country everyday.
In India, especially in the province of Uttar Pradesh, Ivermectin, alongside other prophylactics, has been used successfully to treat COVID-19 patients and was responsible for remarkable drops in disease severity in the regions it was used.
Yet in Canada, it is seen (and mocked) as “horse dewormer.”
Those who try to discuss it as an option are often dismissed as ‘conspiracy theorists’ or ‘quacks’. As such, it has not been allowed to be used or studied as a treatment for COVID, even resulting in the discipline of an Alberta physician in recent months for effectively using it on patients.
In this informative interview, Dr. Da Costa speaks his mind about what he and others in parts of India use to treat COVID in his patients, especially the elderly who are most vulnerable.
He also bravely and openly discusses his concerns with the COVID-19 vaccine roll out, the ignoring and censorship of physicians or scientists who speak against the mainstream treatment narrative, and more. Dr. Da Costa also aims to inspire hope in those who are panicked or scared about COVID and the future of the pandemic.
No matter where you stand on how to best handle pandemic policy, Dr. Da Costa’s experience and view is worth a listen, especially if you are a Canadian health-care professional or politician.
He is a man who truly cares for his patients, as well as public health far beyond the borders of his state or country. If nothing else, hopefully those who listen can unite under one core idea that he promoted: critical thinking. Perhaps we could all do a little more of that!
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