Source: Folha BV
The doctor works at Albert Einstein hospital in São Paulo and recommends the use of hydroxychloroquine associated with zinc and azithromycin, an antibiotic indicated for respiratory infections
The oncologist doctor Nise Yamaguchi has gained prominence in the medical scene for being a great defender of hydroxychloroquine in the early stages of the symptoms of the coronavirus.
In an interview with Rádio Folha, the doctor explained that the drug that is used to treat malaria and lupus, and that it has been tested in patients with Covid-19 and has a positive result.
The doctor works at Albert Einstein hospital in São Paulo and recommends the use of hydroxychloroquine associated with zinc and azithromycin, an antibiotic indicated for respiratory infections.
“It treats patients in the initial phase, if the patient is medicated at the very beginning of the symptoms, the disease may not reach the acute phase, where the use of respirators is necessary.
The most indicated is that the medication starts with the symptoms, and not in asymptomatic cases or in people who live with positive patients “she explained during the interview.
“For treatment of early diseases, this is already well defined and people are benefiting, there is a study with corticosteroids for patients who are starting with inflammation, because covid has several phases, the first with viral proliferation, but the studies clinical trials have not yet been carried out with ivermectin and nitazoxanide. What we prioritize is that patients undergo treatment as soon as the first symptoms occur, only 5% of those patients who have had this treatment have evolved to severe cases, in severe cases it is also a indication the use of anticoagulants “said.
The doctor also commented on the telemedicine initiative, when doctors talk to patients and make prescriptions over the phone or the internet.
“A prior evaluation is important, but it is not our reality, we know that prophylaxis is the set of measures used in order to prevent or decrease the risk of transmitting a disease” she said.
Oncologist doctor Nise Yamaguchi
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