Source: One America News, courtesy of Dr Zelenko
Upon tweeting the You-Tube-censored report by One America News, Dr. Zev Zelenko observed that: “135k didn’t have to die. Uganda uses Zelenko Protocol”. Transcript as follows:
While the media slammed the use of hydroxychloroquine, numerous studies show that countries that have used the drug are doing much better than countries that haven’t.
Despite ongoing media controversy surrounding the drug hydroxychloroquine, multiple reports are emerging that countries that have used the drug are faring much better than countries that haven’t.
Doctors and researchers from the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons counted up the fatalities around the world and found a startling trend. Countries that encouraged the use of hydroxychloroquine including South Korea, India, Russia, Israel, and even South Africa, have managed to contain the virus far better than countries like the United States. Our politicians have vehemently opposed its use.
At the onset of the outbreak, the government received numerous donations of hydroxychloroquine totalling nearly 100 million doses. Yet leaders in Washington have refused to make it available to the public, despite urgings from President Trump.
Dr. David Nazarian, a physician in Los Angeles, and a diplomate of the American Board of Internal Medicine says the difference in countries which allow the medicine’s use is striking. Nazarian adds that the correlation between how much better patients taking hydroxychloroquine are doing compared to those who aren’t;t is not just a mere coincidence. He points to countries in Africa, where hydroxychloroquine is taken widely and prophylactically to protect against diseases like malaria.
Incidentally, these countries have some of the lowest levels of coronavirus infections and deaths anywhere in the world.
For example, Uganda, which has the sixth-highest number of annual malaria deaths, has been treating malaria and coronavirus with a combination of zinc, azithromycin, and of course, hydroxychloroquine.
As a result, Uganda, a countries with a population of over 45 million has had just 1100 coronavirus and only two deaths. Two deaths out of 45 million people. Meanwhile in the US, the latest numbers claim some 150,000 Americans have died due to the coronavirus.
Related: Hydroxychloroquine is why Uganda, with a population of 43M, has only 15 COVID-19 deaths
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