Source: Senator Ron Johnson’s YouTube channel

Senator Ron Johnson held a hearing November 19, 2020 to discuss the current state of the COVID-19 pandemic.
‘Early Outpatient Treatment’ from the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee hearing – Examining the US Approach to Early Covid-19 Treatments.
“There are moments in medicine, moments in our history when you have to allow doctors to practice medicine to develop these therapies, and that’s been the history, quite honestly of the development of medicine.
“My point is to talk about the bill I championed through Congress – Right to Try. Now, the current situation for example with hydroxychloroquine is not a prime example of Right to Try because hydroxychloroquine is a fully approved drug. What Right to Try says is that if a drug has gone through the first two stages, of FDA approval, so it’s been proven safe, but hasn’t gone through the final efficacy approval, a patient and a doctor still have the right to try that if there are no other available treatments.
“Isn’t that the position we’re in, in early treatment of Covid? There are no other treatments. And yet, doctors who’ve had the courage to practice medicine, and try things like ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine, have been scorned and worse.
“It makes no sense to me whatsoever.
Related: ‘Only a one in 17 billion chance hydroxychloroquine doesn’t work’: medical professor