Source: America’s Frontline Doctors

THIS IS NOT MEDICAL ADVICE. Every situation is unique, and every person must check with his or her own physician, especially if you are taking any other medications. Do not write to any of the doctors about your specific medical situations; they will not answer.

Treatment Protocol

Dr. Peter McCullough


Prophylactic HCQ Protocol

Dr. Simone Gold

This is not medical advice. Every situation is unique, and every person must check with his or her own physician, especially if you are taking any other medication. Do not write to Dr. Gold with your specific medical questions. She will not answer.

Hydroxychloroquine400 mg. twice a day on the first day + elemental zinc 50 mg. daily then

Hydroxychloroquine 400 mg. weekly + zinc 50 mg. daily

Hydroxychloroquine tablets in the USA are 200 mg. and two can be taken together at the same time or separated by hours-days, as long as a person takes 400 mg. weekly. Currently, there are studies underway to see if 200 mg. weekly is sufficient.

This protocol is used across the world. For example, see the country of India in the White Paper reference 19. (The national Task for the COVID -19 constituted by Indian Council of Medical Research recommendations for HCQ for prophylaxis of SARS-CoV-2 infection for selected individuals.)

Wellness Protocol

Dr. Teryn Clark @MdTeryn


THIS IS NOT MEDICAL ADVICE. Every situation is unique and every person must check with his or her own physician, especially if you are taking any other medication.

Age >15    Age <15
Quercetin 500 mg. twice daily
Zinc 50 mg daily
Vitamin D 2000 Iu daily
Melatonin 3-6 mg. nightly (exclude if <25)
Elderberry and Zinc gummies


Dr. VladamirZelenko @zevdr


Treat patients based on clinical suspicion as soon as possible, preferable within the first 5 days of symptoms. Perform PCR testing but do not withhold treatment pending results.

Risk Stratify Patient

Low risk patient-Younger than 60, no comorbidities, and no serious symptoms.

High risk patient-Older than 60, younger than 60 with comorbidities, or serious symptoms.

Treatment Options

Low risk patient

  1. Rest, oral fluids, Tylenol as needed
  2. Vitamin C 1 gm once a day for 7 days
  3. Quercetin 500 mg. twice a day for 7 days
  4. Elemental Zinc 50 mg. once a day for 7 days
  5. Close follow up with a doctor

High risk patient

  1. Rest, oral fluids
  2. Tylenol as needed
  3. Elemental Zinc 50 mg. once a day for 7 days
  4. Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) 200 mg twice a day for 5 to 7 days
  5. Azithromycin 500 mg. once a day for 5 days or doxycycline 100 mg twice a day for 5 to 7 days

Note if HCQ is inaccessible then use Quercetin 500 mg. three times a day in place of HCQ. If HCQ becomes accessible, then switch to HCQ.

Additional treatment options. Should be custom tailored for every patient.

Ivermectin 6 mg. twice a day for 1 day

Budesonide 1 mg/2cc solution via nebulizer twice a day for 7 days

Dexamethasone 6 mg. once a day for 5 to 7 days

Blood thinners (i.e. Eliquis or Xarelto)

Home 02

Home IV fluids

Related: HCQ is effective for COVID-19 when used early: analysis of 132 studies

Study: Anti-Malarial Drug HCQ Helps Outpatients With COVID-19

Hydroxychloroquine for prophylaxis and treatment of COVID-19 in health care workers: Bulgaria

COVID-19 outpatients – early risk-stratified treatment with zinc plus low dose hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin: a retrospective case series study

Hydroxychloroquine Safety Outcome within Approved Therapeutic Protocol for COVID-19 Outpatients in Saudi Arabia

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