Source: Click2Houston

HOUSTON – The Food and Drug Administration has revoked its emergency use authorization for hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for the coronavirus.
At Houston’s United Memorial Medical Center, dozens of COVID-19 patients have taken the drug, according to Dr. Joseph Varon, chief medical officer.
“Hydroxychloroquine works,” Dr. Varon said. “I know a number of people think that it doesn’t but we have treated more than 100 patients in the hospital with hydroxychloroquine and the patients have done well.”
Dr. Varon believes the treatment is effective, as long as it’s given early to patients and they’re closely monitored in the hospital.
“It usually takes about three to four days before you can start seeing an improvement in patients. By day four or day five, they really do better,” said Dr. Varon.
He plans to continue using the drug until he finds a better alternative.
Documentary: Perspectives on the Pandemic | The (Undercover) Epicenter Nurse | Episode Nine
FDA enables use of HCQ in a weird round about way – by revoking EUA. Says they never restricted it.