Source: Wave 3 News, NBC

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (WAVE) – Hydroxychloroquine is a drug used to ease the symptoms of certain autoimmune diseases. Some COVID-19 patients have reported using the drug, with results.
One of those patients is Eli Hume.
“I was scared to death,” Hume said. “I literally thought, ‘oh crap, I might not make it out of here.’”
Hume contracted COVID-19 in March. After a few days of a high-grade fever, he was admitted into Norton Brownsboro Hospital. For two weeks, the 46-year-old, previously healthy former firefighter battled severe pneumonia, pancreatitis and extreme dehydration as a result of the virus.
He asked his doctors for hydroxychloroquine. “I said, ‘I know it’s kind of experimental, I know it’s a malaria drug, but I’d really like to try this,’” Hume said.
Hume took his first dose on a Friday, piggy-backed by azithromycin, better known as the Z-pack. By Sunday, he told WAVE 3 News he has passed a breathing exam and was out of the hospital.
“A hundred percent, I do believe it saved my life”
Eli Hume
Hume’s story is like others across the country. Several people have reported taking hydroxychloroquine combined with azithromycin, and recovered from COVID-19.
Hume is convinced without the drug, he’d be dead.
“I’m out of the hospital, after just a day and a half or two days of this medicine,” Hume said. “You can’t convince me of anything other.”
According to an article from the National Institutes of Health, clinical trials of hydroxychloroquine have started at Vanderbilt University.
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