Source: Global Covid Summit
“A Guide to Home-Based COVID Treatment” by the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons includes life-saving best practices for early treatment in an easy-to-understand document for doctors and patients.
Supporting editors of the AAPS volume include cardiologist Peter McCullough who recommends the following early treatment protocol:
- Ivermectin 0.2 mg/kg for six days
- And/or Hydroxychloroquine 400 mg first day then 200 mg daily
- Azithromycin 500 on day one then 250 for nine days
- Cyproheptadine 4 mg po bid x 14 days
- Pepcid 20-40 bid x 14 days
- Singulair 10-20 po QD x 14 days
- Fenofibrate 160 po QD x 14 days
- Dutastreride 0.5 mg po QD x 14 days
- Prednisone 60 mg po QD x 5 days followed by 40 mg po QD for five days
- Load 40 forty thousand of vitamin D3 for four days followed by 20k for ten days
- Baby aspirin if no allergies for one month
- Melatonin 20 mg po QD x 14 days.
These guidelines are designed for early treatment, which is the first of three stages for a COVID infection. The following chart illustrates the importance of early treatment:

Download the PDF guide here:
Demand Early Treatment! – All questions Covid with Dr. Al Johnson and Dr. Peter McCullough
Covid Conversations: 8 prominent doctors & scientists engage in a remarkable exchange
The Early Treatment of Delta: Part 1 – Dr Ryan Cole
The Early Treatment of Delta: Part 2 – Dr Shankara Chetty