Source: Rounding the Earth Author:Mathew Crawford

It’s not my style to point to the explanations of others without doing my own thinking, but there are times when that makes the most economical sense.
The primary purpose of this post is to talk you into watching Dr. Pierre Kory explain both the case that ivermectin (IVM) effectively prevents or treats COVID-19, and also how and why that information is withheld by public health officials. He said nothing at all I have reason to disagree with, but what he says is sharp and will shock some people.
It is also certainly the case that, after reading thousands of pages of evidence, talking to hundreds of doctors, researchers, and other smart people about hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), I know far more about the HCQ story during the pandemic. So, I write more about HCQ. But I am not partisan regarding what medical treatment works the best in fighting COVID-19.
And having spent time with raw data of a multidrug protocol that used both HCQ and IVM, I feel most connected to the idea that doctors should be encouraged to use these and other medicines as they see fit, and in particular early during disease progression.
That said, it is most important to understand how health officials are treating each drug. The two stories together are more than enough to push me over the point of a perspective that assumes good faith. It is crucially important that these stories are well understood by as many people as possible because there is a need to identify the kunlangeta, and perhaps find the best way to take the initiative prior to what seems to be shaping up to be a far larger friction in world events than I think most people recognize at this stage.
Journal of Medicine Says HCQ + Zinc Reduces COVID Deaths
The Chloroquine Wars Part V – A Closer Look at RCTs Studying Hydroxychloroquine Efficacy
The Chloroquine Wars Part VI – The Simple Logic of the Hydroxychloroquine Hypothesis
The Chloroquine Wars Part VIII – Hydroxychloroquine’s Safety Profile and a Cost-Benefit Analysis
The Chloroquine Wars Part X – A Discussion of the Insanity of the Chloroquine Wars
The Chloroquine Wars Part XI – See No Good, Hear No Good, Speak No Good
The Chloroquine Wars Part XII – Manufactured Fear During Hydroxychloroquine’s Trump Moment
The Chloroquine Wars Part XIII -A Clockwork Orange Man
The Chloroquine Wars Part XIV – How to Rig Research: Surgisphere Part I
The Chloroquine Wars Part XVII – Why the Story About India’s April COVID-19 Spike is All Wrong
The Chloroquine Wars Part XV – How to Rig Research: Surgisphere Part II
The Chloroquine Wars Part XIX – Historical Failures of Public Health Authorities
The Chloroquine Wars Part XX – Why The Early Treatment Data is Better Than Anyone Imagines