Source: Il Fatto Quotidiano Author: Peter D’Angelo

Antiviral, anti-aggregating and anti-inflammatory. 

The drug mechanisms explained by the Director of Yale University’s Smilow Center

“Ivermectin can really be the game-changer against Covid 19, it works, now the literature is going in one direction only”. Alessandro Santin , director of the Smilow Center of Yale University , with 300 “peer-reviewed” publications in his career, is the author of the guidelines adopted throughout the Western world on some rare types of cancer, for two months he has been prescribing ivermectin to his patients. Until mid-January it was impossible to prescribe this drug in the States, then FDA (Food and drug administration), NIH (National Institutes of Health) and CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), the three main US health institutions, changed their recommendation on the drug after listening in National Security Commission in the Senate, Pierre Kory (medical specialist of the intensive care unit of the Aurora Medical Center in St. Luke

The evidence brought to the Senate by Dr. Kory convinced Nih to announce a sudden change in its position on ivermectin from “against” to essentially “neutral, pending further evidence”, which is the same current statement that allows the use of monoclonal antibodies (administered throughout the United States and recently also in Italy). 

“The results with ivermectin are extremely significant since both the randomized trials where it was used as a prophylaxis in Argentina are positive:

None of the 788 health workers who took 12 mg of ivermectin once a week became ill with Covid against 58% (237) of the 407 control subjects, both those who used it in Covid patients with more or less severe forms of infection preventing hospitalization in patients treated at home or further aggravation if hospitalized – and the director adds – “I must admit that up to two months ago I didn’t believe it too much either, but science is based on evidence and publications on ivermectin give a clear message of clinical activity, so much so that I am also prescribing it as an oncologist to my patients with Covid and I notice rapid responses, in the space of 24-48 hours they all radically improve their oxygenation “.

It is important to understand what are the main mechanisms of action of the drug: antiviral, anti-aggregating and anti-inflammatory.

THE ANTIVIRAL MECHANISM – “The theory behind the” main mechanism of action is that ivermectin attaches itself to the Spike1 protein (the spikes) of Sars-Cov2 and in various strategic points used by the virus to bind and enter our cells, for this reason, unlike monoclonal antibodies, it can also work against variants – begins to explain the head physician of Yale University -, thus preventing the virus from attaching to ACE2 – the transmembrane protein that covers some types of cells and is the main one of ours virus entry doors -, it’s like you have a key and you put a piece of cloth on it, so it no longer fits in the keyhole, and if the virus fails to enter our cells, it remains at the mercy of the immune system which can get rid of it much more easily – and he concludes – ivermectin is able to quickly break the link between the virus (the Spike-key) and its receptors (the ACE2 gateway, but also the sialic acids and the CD147 receptor), and so the patients begin to breathe and oxygenate properly again ”.

THE ANTI-AGGREGATING MECHANISM – The protein region of the S1 virus – or rather the spikes of the virus, to understand – attaches to our ACE2 receptors but not only, “there are also other very important attachment receptors, those that are based on sialic acid and on the CD147 receptor – continues Santin – the virus attaches to red blood cells and platelets because they are both coated with sialic acid and CD147 receptors. Think of the virus as if it were a “coat” and sialic acid as a “hanger”: this is how the virus “hooks” itself and is carried around in our body in order to then be able to detach itself in the endothelium (the internal part of our blood vessels) and here cause systemic vasculitis, which is why we eventually succumb – continues the scientist -, when the virus replicates inside the endothelial cells of the vessels inflames them and creates adhesive aggregates of red blood cells and platelets – masses dense, imagine a bag of balloons that stick to each other creating very bulky structures, (small clots) – this is what initially hinders circulation – and continues – is the reason why after a while it does not we breathe more (or rather we don’t oxygenate ourselves anymore), and all our organs like the brain, the liver,

THE ANTI-INFLAMMATORY MECHANISM – To date there are more than 30 positive clinical trials (many are prospective and randomized others of observation) completed anywhere in the world that demonstrates the clinical efficacy of ivermectin against Covid19, the literature has shown for now that ” ivermectin, has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect similar to that of cortisone but not immunosuppressive like that of cortisone (and therefore the immune response of T cells and that of B cells(antibody producers) continues to develop during the use of ivermectin, acting on the transcription factor NF-KB (which informs our body to produce cytokines and causes a real cytokine storm when hyperactivated by Covid), precisely for this reason the drug would also act in the advanced stage of the disease “.

The study on medrxiv

The Pubmed study

Related: Ivermectin is effective for COVID-19: real-time meta analysis of 42 studies

Portugal: from hydroxychloroquine to ivermectin

The lawyer who won the Ivermectin battle for South Africans

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