Source: BIRD-group British Ivermectin Recommendation Development

Ivermectin is a safe medicine that is proving to be effective in the fight against Covid 19.
British Ivermectin Recommendation Development (BIRD) is campaigning for UK approval for ivermectin to help it beat Covid
The First International Ivermectin for Covid Conference | Held 24th to 25th April 2021 | Online
The first-ever conference focusing on the use of ivermectin (IVM) as a prophylaxis and treatment for covid-19 was held online April 24-25 2021.
Medical experts from around the world joined together to present the very latest real world research on repurposing this safe drug that has the ability to transform global efforts to fight the pandemic.
Dr. Manjul Medhi shares his front-line experiences in treating acute and long covid including using ivermectin in patients at risk of disseminated strongyloides infection.
Dr. Manjul Medhi
Dr. Medhi has been working as a Consultant in Infectious Diseases (ID) at Forth Valley Royal Hospital (FVRH) since October 2017.
Since that time he has been part of a small team setting up a brand new Infectious Diseases and OPAT service.
He has previously worked as a junior doctor in several ID departments in the UK including Aberdeen, Dumfries, Newcastle, Liverpool, Manchester and in London.
As well as an interest in service development he also has an interest in medical education and has previously worked for the University of Aberdeen for two years as a Clinical Teaching Fellow.
What is ivermectin and how does it work?
Ivermectin for Covid-19 evidence update
The International Ivermectin for Covid Conference: Real-world ivermectin for Covid-19 data
The International Ivermectin for Covid Conference: Evidence from ongoing trials
The International Ivermectin for Covid Conference: Ivermectin use for Covid in the elderly
The International Ivermectin for Covid Conference: Experiences with ivermectin in Bangladesh
The International Ivermectin for Covid Conference: Medical ethics and ivermectin
Dr Tess Lawrie’s Powerful Closing Address at the International Ivermectin for Covid Conference