Source: BIRD-group British Ivermectin Recommendation Development

Ivermectin is a safe medicine that is proving to be effective in the fight against Covid 19.
British Ivermectin Recommendation Development (BIRD) is campaigning for UK approval for ivermectin to help it beat Covid
The First International Ivermectin for Covid Conference | Held 24th to 25th April 2021 | Online
The first-ever conference focusing on the use of ivermectin (IVM) as a prophylaxis and treatment for covid-19 was held online April 24-25 2021.
Medical experts from around the world joined together to present the very latest real world research on repurposing this safe drug that has the ability to transform global efforts to fight the pandemic.
Prof. Pierre Kory discusses current protocols for covid-19 prevention and treatment.
Dr. Pierre Kory, MD, MPA
Board Certified in Internal Medicine, Critical Care, and Pulmonary Medicine. He is the former Chief of the Critical Care Service and Medical Director of the Trauma and Life Support Center while an Associate Professor at the University of Wisconsin. Prior to this, he served as the Program Director of a Pulmonary and Critical Care Fellowship Training Program at Mount Sinai Beth Israel in New York City. Dr. Kory is also considered a pioneer and national/international expert in critical care ultrasound and is the senior editor of a best-selling textbook on the subject which is in its 2nd edition and has been translated into 5 languages and has won the Presidents Choice Award from the British Medical Association in 2015. Dr. Kory also considered a master educator and has won multiple major Departmental Teaching Awards at each institution that I have served as Faculty.
Dr. Kory has travelled across multiple states in the US to care for COVID-19 patients throughout the pandemic and is also the President and Chief Medical Officer of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance, a non-profit organization of critical care specialists led by Professor Paul Marik whose mission over the past 9 months has been focused on the research and development of effective treatment protocols for COVID-19 using repurposed drugs. Most recently, based on his extensive research over the past 6 months, he has become one of the most sought-after experts on the use of ivermectin in the prevention and treatment of COVID-19.
Related: What is ivermectin and how does it work?
Ivermectin for Covid-19 evidence update
The International Ivermectin for Covid Conference: Real-world ivermectin for Covid-19 data
The International Ivermectin for Covid Conference: Evidence from ongoing trials
The International Ivermectin for Covid Conference: Ivermectin use for Covid in the elderly
The International Ivermectin for Covid Conference: Experiences with ivermectin in Bangladesh
The International Ivermectin for Covid Conference: Medical ethics and ivermectin
Dr Tess Lawrie’s Powerful Closing Address at the International Ivermectin for Covid Conference