Source: Sky News
Sky News host Rowan Dean says the jury is in and says categorically “Hydroxychloroquine saves lives” and Australians must be given access to the drug.
Mr Dean said Chief Medical Officer Paul Kelly, along with his deputy Nick Coatsworth and Labor frontbencher Chris Bowen “stand condemned” for their continuous rejections of the drug.
Hydroxychloroquine has been touted by many as a potential treatment to COVID-19, however Dr Kelly declared to the Australian people it was not effective. Mr Dean said “the jury says very clearly, if you look at all the studies … Hydroxychloroquine is consistently effective against COVID-19 when used early and in the right combination with other drugs”.
“Paul Kelly, stand up tomorrow next to the prime minister, and say you are sorry, because people are being denied this drug which potentially could save many lives.”
Rowan Dean