Source: The South African Author: Tom Head
Could this be the COVID-19 gamechanger we’ve all been waiting for? Research from the UK claims that Ivermectin can slash virus death rates.
a new study from the University of Liverpool has yielded some highly encouraging results. According to the trials, ‘Ivermectin’ can dramatically reduce COVID-19 fatality rates.
The medication, which can be taken as a tablet or applied as a gel, is a widely used drug for the treatment and control of parasites in animals. It is also used to treat several tropical diseases in humans not commonly seen in South Africa – but it’s perhaps best known as an effective treatment against scabies and head lice.
In this meta-analysis presented by Dr Andrew Hill – which featured 11 randomised trials in 1452 patients – Ivermectin treatment was associated with:
Faster time to viral clearance.
Shorter duration of hospitalisation.
43% higher rates of clinical recovery.
83% improvement in survival rates.
Furthermore, the low cost of manufacturing the drug is also a major benefit raised by the researchers:
“This result is based on in-hospital trials, so it does not yet take into account early ambulatory and protective treatment. The authors of the review intend to include three more trials, due to be published sometime in January, before providing a final conclusion. Dr. Hill believes low-cost Ivermectin can be a potentially ‘transformational treatment’ against COVID-19.”
University of Liverpool
The South African Health Products Regulatory Authority (SAHPRA) has since issued a statement on these developments, preferring to err on the side of caution. Limitations of the study include a lack of statistical power and the use of non-standardised dosages. As it stands, the SAHPRA remains slightly pensive about using Ivermectin to treat COVID-19.
But as we’ve learned during this pandemic, things can change very quickly – and the health authority has already said it is open to monitoring clinical trials of the drug…
“Ivermectin is not indicated nor approved by SAHPRA for use in humans. There is no confirmatory data on Ivermectin available as yet for its use in the management of COVID-19 infections. In terms of safety and efficacy, there is no evidence yet to support the use of Ivermectin – and we do not have any clinical trial evidence to justify its use.”
“The meta-analysis also concluded that additional randomized clinical trial data were needed to confirm clinical benefit in COVID-19 infections.
However, analysis concluded that the use of Ivermectin in the management of COVID-19 infections is associated with faster time to viral clearance, shorter duration of hospitalisation, and higher rates of clinical recovery.”
In conclusion, the research team is in agreement that more clinical trials are needed before Ivermectin can be considered for a mass rollout. However, with their next set of key results due later this month, there is now a genuine belief that some form of ‘significantly effective’ drug treatment can be produced to nullify COVID-19.
“We need more clinical trials data to confirm the clinical benefits observed in the first 11 randomized clinical trials. Efficacy is improved by dosing over several days, versus on one day only. Dosing in the range of 0.4 to 0.6mg/kg could be optimal, and results from key randomized trials will be available in January.”
Dr Andrew Hill
Related: Sahpra announces controlled compassionate access to Ivermectin: South Africa
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